Abstracts preparation

Prepare your abstract using the provided MS Word template. Fill in the information on the header page, then follow the instructions concerning style and formatting on the second page. The abstract may contain figures, references and mathematical expressions. It must not exceed the length of one page. The abstract must fit within one or more scientific topics of the Conference: please specify the most appropriate one in the header page, together with a list of relevant keywords. Please be sure to list all the co-authors. Also, select your preferred presentation method: oral or poster. Note that slots for oral presentations are limited, and not all requests for oral presentations might be satisfied. The final MS Word file will consist of two pages: the header page with the submitter's and abstract's information and the abstract itself on the second page.


Abstracts submission

Submit your abstract as an e-mail attachment to smm27@polito.it. Other methods of abstract submission will not be acknowledged. Please prepare your abstract with the provided template and save two copies: one in docx and the other in pdf formats. Attach both to the same email message. Abstract submission opens on 9 January 2025 and closes on 30 March 2025. The submission deadline will be strictly observed. Submissions will not be allowed after the deadline. Please note that each presenting author can submit at most two abstracts. However, there is no limit on the number of abstracts you can co-author. Please contact us if you would like to resubmit an abstract you have already submitted.


Abstracts acceptance and presentation

Referees will evaluate all the abstracts submitted in due time, and a final decision will be taken by 9 May 2025. All corresponding authors will be notified by email about the acceptance of their abstract by that date. In case of acceptance, the corresponding authors will be informed whether their contribution will be oral or poster. All presenting authors must be registered participants. Each registered participant cannot present more than two abstracts. Further instructions on how to prepare your presentation will follow in due time.